Special seasonal offers. Package discounts. Great gift for anniversaries, holidays, special occasions, retirements, wellness. Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Birthdays. Couples classes with hands-on instruction.
Each client has use of a private dressing room with a spa shower. Request use of sauna while scheduling an appointment.
deep relaxing, modest draping
1 hr. = $100
1.5 hr. = $140
Lomi Lomi
2 sides simultaneously, sweeping strokes, increased room temperature, less draping
1 hr. = $115
1.5 hr. = $155
SPECIAL! Seasonal (Summer) - Body scrub, soapy sponge rinse, outdoor shower, and Lomi Lomi massage under sun-filtered maple tree. Minimal draping.
Couples massages, done separately, are scheduled and paid for in advance for special occasions such as Anniversaries, Valentine's Day, etc.
Spa Services
Accompanying your massage:
Body Scrub - $50
Couple Massage: 90 minute session, 45 min. each partner with hands-on learning from instructor and other partner
1st session = $100
Additional sessions = $90
Lending Library
Clients are welcome to sign out books, CD's, and/or DVD's from my library. During scheduling of your appointment, mention your desire to check out the library and we'll set time aside. Namaste'
Categories include cooking, gardening, hiking, massage, nutritional health, physical health/training, sexuality, spirituality and travel.